+32 (0)478 33 86 83 steve@egomatic.be

Connecting creativity, know how and flexibility


23 years of passion

You say ‘Cheesy’? You’re right! But to be honest, it is no joke.

With a drama and photography background I stumbled into the business by accident, learning the craftsmanship of creating appealing and down to earth communication. After some years I had the opportunity of becoming partner in the company. A blessing, opening doors for me to learn how to built up long-term relationships, guiding creative staff and bypassing the pitfalls of managing a business.

One day, during an agency briefing at a client’s HQ, I heard a lady from a major agency ask “… and who is that guy?”.
The answer was “That’s Steve from ALL YOURS, but that’s not a real agency!”

Apart from the rather denigrating tone, she was spot on! What we created was a versatile and flexible studio, there was no ambition or pretention to be seen as an agency, our strength was in the way we got stuff done and building up 10-15+ years relationships with people, brands and institutions. Not about positioning ourselves.

Today, with EGOMATIC, it’s time for me to continue that vision and take it all a step further.





Shade Designers' Paint, by and for designers. Branding and packaging for this Belgian High-End paint brand.

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A new Belgian player in the car charging league. SNIGG was looking for someone to bring the hole idea to market, starting from branding, targeting, sales materials, product color schema and finishes...

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For the latest PAS DE DEUX release Walter Verdin asked me to keep an eye on the technical aspects of design and production. An amazing result, with '1983 Eurovision Song Contest' looks!

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that’s all?

It may sound stupid, but because of ownership rights of the various creations over the years, I am not allowed to use them in my portfolio. But no worries, drop me a line and I’ll clear this out.


Below on this page is a list of references, this shortened list gives an idea of the key clients I have worked for and built a long relationship with within the agency.



Just the icing on the cake or the whole recipe,  starting with the batter…
From scratch or a total refresh.


Nothing easier than communicating directly to your customer thanks to all the new available techniques, whether thinking of BBBIIIGGG or tiny quantities.


Often stock images can do the trick, but more often, something is just not right. Or maybe Jeffrey made some juicy snapshots with his mobile phone during the event, but ‘Oh Boy!’, never heard about triple lense devices?


Nothing stronger than reaching out to your audience in a direct & personal way. And YES, after all the mockery; I STILL DO BELIEVE in the impact of sending your message to an old school mailbox.


Sometimes it’s all about getting all stakeholders on the same sheet, whether it’s at HQ-level or in your retail premises. Great sales starts with spreading coherent information along the chain.


Printing processes have drastically changed during past decades, automation has claimed its place, but often the critical eye has retired. After all these years I still do remember avoiding some major disasters.


Brand magazines and newsletters for major car brands, food chains, retail, non-profit organisations.


It’s a wrap! Well, yeah…
Creating great products is one thing, convincing people to buy or taste it, is something else.
A whole new range of materials and techniques have emerged, let’s think outside the box.


Simple & small websites for businesses, organisations or events.
Well, like this one for example…



+ Layouts

+ Customers

Carefully Crafted for

Tablet & Mobile

Reviews & Endorsements


“Josefin is the Divi Child Theme I have been looking for. The simplicity and elegance is breathtaking. Where have you been Josefin?”

– John Smith

Reviews & Endorsements

“I’ve spent hours searching for the right theme for my projects only to be disappointed with poor design and overcrowded features. With Divi and Josefin, my search is now over!”

– Jane Doe

Video Tutorials

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Friendly Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt mollis ante non volutpat. Nam consequat diam nec leo rutrum tempus. Nulla accumsan eros nec sem tempus scelerisque. Morbi tincidunt risus magna, posuere lobortis felis. Donec at vehicula risus. Cras vel sollicitudin ipsum. Etiam tincidunt placerat enim, a rhoncus eros sodales ut.

How to install Josefin Child Theme

Click here to check out our installation page. There you will find our step-by-step installation instructions, walk-through videos and FAQ’s.

Where to find great stock photography

If you don’t want to pay the money for iStock or Adobe Stock, some of our favorite sites are unsplash.com and deathtothestockphoto.com. You can also find some great photos at pixabay.com and pexels.com!

Installing the Josefin Google Font

Guess what? You don’t have to, it’s already installed! Booyah.

How to get support for Josefin

Submit a ticket to us via besuperfly.com/contact and we’ll respond to you as soon as possible.

Carefully Crafted

Layouts & Modules


Whether you’re looking for internal or external communication expertise, everything starts with a first flirt. Being on the same level is key for success.

In need of someone to do a quick-fix to prevent you from getting fired? Drop me a line, we’ll work something out…

11 + 14 =